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  4. »K-State Bands hosts successful Concert Band Clinic

K-State Today

January 29, 2025

K-State Bands hosts successful Concert Band Clinic

Submitted by the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

The K-State Bands hosted the 32nd annual Concert Band Clinic Jan. 24-26. More than 600 high school students from across the Midwest arrived to campus on Jan. 24, auditioned to be in one of six honor bands and began rehearsals with six nationally renowned guest conductors.

K-State instrumental music faculty and students worked with the students, while their band directors attended sessions presented by the guest conductors. Clinic guests were treated to a Jan. 25 concert by the K-State Wind Ensemble under the direction of Frank Tracz, clinic coordinator. All six honor bands performed concerts in McCain Auditorium on Jan. 26. 

The internationally renowned Boston Brass performed the opening night concert, taught a masterclass and performed with the Wind Ensemble as part of the QuVee Mock Masterclass Series.

Special thanks to the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance and McCain Auditorium for their help with this year's clinic. 

Mark your calendar for Jan. 23-25, 2026, for the 33rd annual Concert Band Clinic.

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