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K-State Today

October 11, 2024

Students make it to finals in business supply chain competition

Submitted by Ruthie Gergeni

Students who competed in the GM/WSU Mike Ilitch School of Business Supply Chain Case Competition in Detroit were, from left: Mercer Thatcher, Caleb Conyers, Evan Giles and Aaron Doell.

Four students from the Kansas State University College of Business Administration — Caleb Conyers, Aaron Doell, Evan Giles and Mercer Thatcher — recently traveled to Detroit to participate in the GM/Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business Supply Chain Case Competition. The team placed in the top four out of 20 teams that came from Iowa State University, Ohio State University, Miami University, Texas Tech University and Tecnológico de Monterrey–Mexico, among others.

Through this invitation-only case competition, students took an in-depth look at the supply chain systems that support the automotive industry and its high-tech vehicles. Student teams competed against each other and showcased their talents to some of the auto industry's top firms. Competitors were presented with the challenge of procuring advanced technology components while considering global business issues at play such as logistics, costs and sustainability. The competition is limited to 20 teams.

"It was an honor and privilege to accompany the Supply Chain Case Competition team to Detroit this year to compete in the General Motors-Wayne State Case Competition," said Dan Minick, advanced instructor of management. "I was truly impressed by the commitment and effort each of these four young men put into the case, and the hard work paid off with an advancement to the finals."

Learn more about K-State's operations and supply chain management degree.