As soon as I saw campus, I fell in love.
Emily Myers
I found a great community of people that I now call friends.
Trey Kuhlmann
The moment I saw campus, I knew in my heart that Manhattan was where I was supposed to be.
Jacob Hall
K-State will give me the best opportunity for my future.
Chase Swanson

Makenna Duncan

"Take advantage of all of the on-campus resources K-State has to offer such as academic coaching."

I am who I am today because of the experiences and the knowledge that I have gained here at K-state.
Thiba Nagaraja
People at K-State are nicer than any international student may expect at first, with great values and big smiles.
Martin Duran

Gonzalo Alcontar

"No one else does it like K-State for engineering and no one else offers the same help for multicultural students."

Thanks to ISSS and orientation program I learned a lot of things about college life and US culture.
Yslam Akmyradov
I chose K-State because its College of Agriculture is one of the best in the country.
Linda Hamuli