Skill 14
⚡ Give myself a time-out
This skill is similar to but different from leaving the circumstance. It is a temporary break. In the example with the boss's tirade, I could take a very short break if my frustration begins to overheat. I then take a moment to cool down at least a little, then return.
One of the great stresses of single parents is the difficulty they face in finding opportunities to take a time out. When two parents are present, a child's father might be called on to take over while the mother takes a time out by taking a brisk outdoor walk. In the middle of the night, a father might walk his colicky baby after her mother has fed her. Time outs are more viable in childrearing partnerships.
Look for opportunities to give time out breaks to a single-parent friend. If you feel your anger beginning to overheat, ask someone to give you a break.