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Office of the Registrar

Committees & Working Groups



University Academic Calendar Committee (3035)

Considers issues concerning the university academic calendar, studies impact of suggested changes in the academic calendar, and makes recommendations for change to Faculty Senate. For the committee policies and procedures click here.

Out-of-State Fee Appeals Committee (8270)

Hears appeals from individuals who have been denied in-state status for purposes of assessing tuition. Reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President through the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management.

University Late Drop/Withdrawal Committee (8271)

Responds to and determines the outcome of appeals related to university level late withdraw/enrollment requirements. The ULWAC provides a university-wide forum for review of university level requirements including, but not limited to, late drops and/or withdrawals. The committee is chaired by the University Registrar or Designee and reports to the Provost and Executive Vice President through the Vice Provost for Enrollment Management.

Working Groups:


Academic Records Group

DARS Working Group

Curriculog Working Group