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2025 Visionary Plan

As K-State's 2025 strategic plan comes to a close, our strategic planning efforts continue as Next-Gen K-State. See the latest updates on the Next-Gen K-State website.

Aligning College/Major Unit/Departmental Planning

Realizing the vision of K-State 2025 requires an institutional commitment to planning and holding ourselves accountable at all levels. In September 2011, President Schulz announced an ambitious planning initiative to align College/Major Units and Departmental planning with the K-State 2025 visionary plan as well as to further define University metrics for reporting our progress.

Please see the Strategic Action Planning and Alignment Response Chart for the current planning timeline and details for additional units. View the guidance, instructions, and resources to assist in the facilitation of this next level of K-State 2025 planning.

Related goals

See Our Mission, Vision and Goals.


Next Steps for the Visionary Plan

  • Complete
    visionary plan

    September 2011

  • Draft initial college/major unit alignment plans

    May 2012

  • Review initial plans

    June-August 2012

  • Develop additional university metrics

    September-November 2012

  • Complete college and major units plans

    September 2012-December 2012

  • Develop departmental alignment plans

    January 2013-May 2015