Guidance for Aligning College/Major Unit/Departmental Planning
Templates, guidance, and instructions have been developed to facilitate this next level of K-State 2025 planning. See the completed College/Major Unit plans.
Templates and Guidance
To complete your College's/Major Unit's/Department's Strategic Action and Alignment Plan, you will need to submit two documents:
- K-State 2025 Strategic Action and Alignment Plan Template for Colleges/Major Units and Departments (updated December 2014) (doc)
- K-State 2025 University Strategic Action Planning Alignment Checklist (updated December 2014) (doc)
To review the current Guidance and Instructions, you will need to read:
- College/Major Unit/Departmental Strategic Action Planning and Alignment Guidance and Instructions (updated December 2014) (pdf)
To see an overview of units responsible for submitting alignment plans with associated due dates, you will need to check:
- Strategic Action Planning and Alignment Response Chart (updated April 2015) (pdf)
Additional Resources
- Measuring Our Progress: Goals, Outcomes, and Metrics (pdf)
A summary of the K-State 2025 visionary and thematic goals and outcomes with associated university metrics. This includes new university metrics for the K-State 2025 thematic goals which may evolve as College/Major Unit and Departmental Planning continues.
- University Goal Metrics and Operational Definitions (pdf)
A list of 2025 University metrics with operational definitions. The operational definitions for the thematic goal metrics will be further defined as planning continues.
- Criteria for Choosing Metrics for Quantitative Outcomes (pdf)
Criteria to consider when choosing metrics to measure progress toward university, college/major unit, and departmental strategic goals and quantitative outcomes.
- K-State 2025 Department Head Planning Retreat - January 25, 2013 (ppsx)
Presentation to Department Heads for aligning College/Major Unit and Departmental Planning.
- 2025 Planning Contacts Meeting - November 8, 2012 (ppsx)
Presentation to Planning Contacts with updated guidance for Colleges/Major Units completing College/Major Unit strategic action and alignment plans.