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2025 Visionary Plan

As K-State's 2025 strategic plan comes to a close, our strategic planning efforts continue as Next-Gen K-State. See the latest updates on the Next-Gen K-State website.

Fall 2019 Feedback and Suggestions: Values

Feedback from online survey, visits and email

What values do you believe define us as a land-grant university embracing and transforming our future as we look to 2025 and beyond?

View feedback from
Fall 2019 survey
As a land-grant university looking to the future, I believe the most important values for us to embody and teach are collaboration, sustainability, and resilience. If, as the statement says, our aspirations are rooted in service to ensure a prosperous and healthy future for communities at home and across the globe, addressing climate change should be at the top of our list of priorities, and these values are key to being able to do so.   K-State is in a unique position to address the challenges we are facing at the community and global level due to climate change. Through interdisciplinary initiatives, the university can play a crucial role in finding solutions. Yes, climate change has become a politicized issue – but it is no longer scientifically questionable, as reports from the IPCC, the Pentagon, and thousands of scientists around the world make clear. The K-State family has the capacity to go beyond the political divides to create solutions that work for local communities and people around the world.   I know enrollment and budgeting are pretty stressful for administration at present, but as a student, I am pretty certain that this issue is only going to become more important to young people. Right now, the world is in pretty dire need of champions who understand both the science itself and how to communicate it in every field. More than any private or specialized school, K-State has the capacity to create those champions. The IPCC, the Pentagon, and thousands of the worlds scientists have made it clear that we must act, and I really, really hope that K-State will take a stand. The IPCC, the Pentagon, and thousands of the worlds scientists have made it clear that we must act – so, as the first land-grand university in the nation, as stewards of the land, air, and water, let’s act! And let our example be one for others to follow.
The values I hold and want K-State to embody are an appreciation for diversity, inclusion, and equitable resource access and distribution with a primarily focus on the resources of clean air, clean water, healthy food, adequate housing, appropriate medical care, education, work opportunities, and wealth. The reason I suggest these values as appropriate to K-State is that my undesrtanding of history makes me think this list is a modernized version of the mindset that caused the 19th Century leaders to envision the potential of Land Grant Universities as forces for good in our developing country.
socially responsible, committed to a sustainable planet for our grandchildren, engaging curiosity, critical thinking, inclusive.
I am not sure these are values but I think we are defined by our commitment to an educated and competent citizenry at all levels including credit and credentials to non-credit professional development. Individuals who can communicate clearly, problem-solve, engage in ethical behavior and are sound in their knowledge in their discipline.   Our research is driven by and informs not only the discipline and science but the people we serve. We are their source for accurate and current knowledge. We should excel in pedagogy, accessible and empirically based, theoretically driven however it is delivered. We partner with industry but we are not driven by industry.
forward thinking but grounded in responsible action
Innovation Commitment Responsibility
We are a university with strong ethics and integrity that embraces change and new discovery while providing an education and experience that will helps students/learners (of any age and background) succeed so they in turn can help their communities succeed (all forms of communities: city, region, state, country, employer, organizations, etc.)
Broad Access, Exceptional ROI for our students, Excellence in research and teaching, Modern cooperative extension that focuses on all areas of need, not just agriculture.
The values that define our university commitment and engagement. These values provide the ability to be inclusive from all stand points as it relates to diversity and inclusion by creating opportunities for current staff to grow and excel.
professional, successful, sustainable, leadership, trustworthy, openness, and innovative
Accessible. Non-elite.
Civic Small "d" democracy Access Excellence
access, inclusion, real-world problem identification and problem solving, engagement with the community beyond the campus
I'm not sure what the term "true champions" means in the Visionary Statement. I do not see the word "access" anywhere in our Vision or Values statements or our Mission. Access is an important aspect of the original land-grant. At K-State, we create new knowledge, and we provide access to excellence for those who might not otherwise have gone to college. I agree with service as a value. I am troubled to not see "faculty" anywhere in our statements about vision or values. If we become too "student-centered" and lose sight of our foundation of faculty, then we will lose (or not be able to attract) the excellent faculty who "get it done." We should also have value statements around our facilities, some of which are much worse than what our students had in high school. It is not uncommon to hear students talking about how some classroom spaces, labs, and equipment are in poor shape.
• Honesty • Passion • Respect • Efficiency • Dependability
As a premiere land grant university, K-State must commit to educating students for citizenship, for participation in a democracy. A land grant university is not a technical institute, focused solely on content and skills related to particular professions. This means that every major and degree program needs to include meaningful opportunities to engage the arts and humanities. These have a proven ability to help students develop critical and creative thinking and communication skills.
I dislike the idea of creating a statement of values. The values that should matter to the institution are clearly embodied through the mission we have chosen, and any values beyond that are likely to become a prescriptive exercise in listing orthodoxies that will either be essentially redundant with things we already say elsewhere or a normative imposition on the differences that exist within a diverse university community. If you want to embrace diversity, then don't tell me what I need to value.
student focused, community engagement, futuristic
We value people, and preparing them to address challenging issues - personal/individual, regional, global.
the importance of education and information for all (extension, research, teaching); training students to think critically and to be prepared for their professional careers, both now and in the future; helping to solve the world's issues through research; diversity and inclusion
diversity and more importantly inclusion must be a consideration. Also, modeling behaviors we wish to see promoted elsewhere. As a large institution, for instance, it's shocking that recycling, alternative energy, etc., are so minimally used. How can we claim to be "stewards of the land, air and water" if we hardly steward those resources on campus?
Access, rural development, effective and efficient, public, equitable, valid, operational integrity, leading (not bleeding) edge, strategic and data influenced, nimble through partnerships,
Values: Enriching people's lives through teaching and applied research
Excellence, innovation, Service to the State of Kansas, Alignment with the values of Kansans
I believe an inclusion of sustainable practices should be included in our outline for the future.
I believe that being Student Centered SHOULD be on one of our values, but we continue to get further and further away from that priority. We espouse that we are student centered but we don't actually put money or thought into things that will benefit our students.The food pantry continues to have to rely on SCTE funding even though they serve more students than most student life programs, and we can't seem to hire more therapist for the Counseling Center. We've had three student deaths this semester and yet we don't acknowledge it- and what's the point of putting UCS in the message to students if there's a three week wait to get in. We are spending so much money on recruiting new students but K-State needs to take a cold hard look at its programs for the current students, because if we can't keep students here, it doesn't matter how great our recruiting is because they'll still leave.
Quality Excellence Compassion Encouraging Supportive
trustworthy, resilient, adaptable, thoughtful, inquisitive, resourceful, practical We listen and collaborate. We are doers. We expect our employees to be doers. We expect our students to be doers. (I hate that the word doer looks odd but when spoken it makes sense and does reflect our values!)
Kansas State University is focused on building a community with sports and academics.
Hi, I’d like to specifically mention sustainability in this response. We are a land-grant university, which means we are tied intrinsically to the land. Right now the land underneath and around us is unhealthy because of our everyday habits and systems of transportation. K-State has in my mind either not met their standards or set standards too low in the K-State 2025 Sustainability Strategic Action Plan. I think our values are significantly tied to sustainably inhabiting the land and drawing from the resources around us (see nationally recognized architecture, engineering, and agronomy programs). That’s the ideal goal of those fields, and we should be integrating it fittingly into our mission.
-- transformative learning for all of our students -- inclusion -- innovative RSCAD in a variety of fields that improve human life and protect our democratic values and our planet
student focused instruction community development civil discourse respect for all persons
Focus on bottom-up or grassroots approaches that link university resources and programs to issues/concerns of the people of Kansas.
Promoting and protecting health of the public Translation and dissemination of our academic, research, and creative products to benefit the public
Providing access to higher education for all who meet the minimum admissions requirements
integrity respect justice community curiosity learning responsibility creativity service
Educational Access, Inclusion, Research for the Common Good, Creating Responsible Global Citizens
Our values should reflect what we embrace: 1) Diversity - our appeal across ethnicities, genders, and the entire state (physical) 2) Engagement - we prepare students to be leaders and active followers, not just by what we teach, but by how we teach it 3) Discovery - research is the bedrock of this value 4) Education 5) Improved Quality of life - our students and communities benefit from K-State's mission
The university should value its employees by paying wages that are on par with similar institutions and by reducing the number of temporary, adjunct faculty. It should replace full time faculty lines with full time faculty, even if some of those are TT professor of practice lines rather than research lines. Old, outdated, and decrepit facilities should be maintained/updated/replaced
Honesty, responsibility, accountability. Not being afraid to use common sense in fear of being sued. Have fair and just diversity and inclusion goals. It's not fair for a white person to be expelled for acts of racism and a black person not be expelled when they commit a false act of racism upon themselves only to make it look like a white person committed the act. Diversity and inclusion should not be directed only at white Americans when professors with foreign backgrounds only hire grad students from their country of origin and do not hire American students or students with other nationalities.
diversity & inclusion, making our research and programming accessible to all,
Integrity, responsibility and service to the community and the Nation, research and teaching excellence
The pursuit of a breadth of knowledge, honoring many, varied fields of study. Normalizing difference, honoring the rich tapestry of the human race. Creativity, grounded in the arts, as a prolific font of innovation in all pursuits. Striving for excellence with integrity, honesty, and discipline. Making a positive difference, helping those in need.
Unbiased source of truthful information.
integrity, environmental stewardship, diversity, justice
-Honesty -Passion -Service -Commitment -Optimism -Consistency -Resolve -Responsiveness -Humility
We need to be seen as strong leaders in Agriculture and Engineering that recruit and retain a diverse population of students.
service, collaboration, global perspective
demonstrated commitment to those who work at all levels to support the university in its mission even handed accountability of all including duplication of effort, abandonment of key efforts because of changes in personnel etc.   consistency in attitude and actions demonstrated commitment to the fact that not all areas can generate $ but are essential for a globally educated citizenry keeping the focus on the values Kansas as a state and KSU as a land grant university offers the U.S. and the world
Service, community, transformative education
Integrity Accountability Respect Excellence Engagement Student Centered ( to encompass accessible and affordability) Innovation
We recognize those that came before the land grant and emphasize accessibility and support to all of our students who join the K-State family. This includes very diverse student populations including international students.
We value collaboration and working together to better serve our constituents and stakeholders. We need to better incentivize university-wide collaboration and synergy to attenuate the presumed financial benefit of silo-ing. Collaboration is critical for teaching efficiently, and optimizing research/Extension productivity. Our people and programs have excellent potential, but individual (faculty, unit, college) focus and concern is clouding vision and stifling opportunities — all of us need to work toward our common mission.
Strong commitment to research, scholarship, and creative activity. While we may need to do a better job of making sure the residents of Kansas, surrounding states, and the country as a whole understand what we do and why it is important, we shouldn't undersell the significance of our work--in all areas of the University, not only STEM.
The College of Arts and Sciences has recently set up an ad hoc committee to provide input for the K-State 2025 Refresh Strategic Initiatives. ... Recommendation 1. Explicitly include Basic Research and Scholarly Activities in Refresh Statements and Descriptions The infrastructure of modern civilization and our understanding of the natural world originate directly from basic, curiosity-driven, research. Modern medicine, engineering, and agriculture; computers; smart devices; energy systems, and more have been made possible as a result of the curiosity of researchers seeking answers to the basic workings of nature. Kansas State University will continue to be a leader in basic, fundamental research and address future human demands and effects, both known and unknown, on our planet. Training of our undergraduate and graduate researchers will lead to significant contributions by our students to the nation’s science and technology enterprises. Recommendation 2. Explicitly include Data Analytics independently or as a part of the Cyber Land Grant initiative Data analytics has become key to progress in the modern world, underlying new advances in science, societal relationships, business, and agriculture. Further advances require new computer languages; new methods for transmitting, storing, and analyzing terabytes of data; new mathematics for describing large data sets; new ways of visualizing of data structures; and new methods for detecting, evaluating, and correcting algorithmic biases. The efficient, ethical, and socially just development of data analytics depends on integrative research, scholarship, creative activity, and discovery in STEM, social science, humanities, and the arts. K-State will become a leader in harnessing this 21st century tool by building on our existing strengths in these areas. Recommendation 3. Add a new item titled “Resiliency” in the list of K-State 2025 Refresh Strategic Initiatives Resilience is the ability of people and systems to comeback from unexpected and sometimes unpredictable events such as extreme weather episodes, environmental disasters, pandemics, economic depressions, social and political upheavals, power and telecommunication system failures and personal tragedies. Kansas State University’s faculty and students will model, develop, and strengthen individual and communal responses to these increasingly common occurrences. Examples of ongoing interdisciplinary research at K-State include the creation of stronger networks in rural communities for the rehabilitation of juvenile offenders, the creation of more comprehensive ecological models to understand how disturbances in grasslands can be managed, and the development of mathematical models that allow national electric grids to adapt quickly to local or regional outages. Interdisciplinary teams will address current resilience challenges on multiple levels and help to identify and create cultural, societal and physical infrastructure frameworks to quickly address the above and other unexpected and unpredictable changes as they arise. As once reliable patterns of human and non-human interactions evolve and change, Kansas State’s commitment to resilience-based thinking will lead our region’s efforts to provide for the well-being of all in the twenty-first century. 
K-State has always been a friendly campus. People will say "hi" to strangers they do not know. That doesn't happen everywhere and does not happen at KU.
value and foster diverse perspectives
Students first prepared for the future
I'm going to provide what should define us, not what actually does because what I'll list is not what we are, unfortunately: - collaborative - committed to life-long learning - committed to rewarding people for their labor - committed to honoring and developing the whole person, not just the intellectual dimension - committed to work/life balance - committed to listening to diverse voices
A commitment to equity, inclusion, intellectual innovation
Cultural diversity -- not simply diversity of perspectives and diversity of ideas, but diversity of embodied positionalities and lived experiences. We should be fostering an environment that's welcoming to people of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds, people with diverse gender identities and expressions, people of diverse sexualities, people with diverse physical and mental abilities, and people from diverse religious and areligious backgrounds.   Intellectual Engagement -- research and creative activity takes many forms, including what many outside of the university often expect (scientific research) to the kinds of qualitative and quantitative research and scholarly activity done more often in the humanities. If we think of research and scholarly activity more broadly as intellectual engagement, we might be more apt to think of it more broadly, as the activities that lead both students and teachers to all kinds of new knowledge and new frameworks for thinking.   Community Resiliency -- As a land-grant university, one of our values should be to help the communities of Kansas stay salient and whole during what is a trying political and economic moment. But given the university budget concerns, we might also need to turn this toward ourselves: how do we help each other, quite simply, stay committed to our educational goals? How do we keep the best faculty here? How do we attract and retain the best and most committed students? How do we all keep showing up while resources continue to be cut?
The goal of serving people through the extension efforts. And being student-focused.
Serve the needs of people of Kansas, nation, and globe.   Provide research, teaching, and extension on sustainable food, fiber, and livestock production.
Innovative - seeking to solve complex problems and create new knowledge. Student-centered - education that values students and prepares them for the future. Engagement - communicate our innovative research to local and global communities. Integrity - executing our vision with integrity (not beholden to special interests and performing teaching, research, extension, and athletics with moral uprightness) Inclusive Family - valuing diversity and making everyone feel welcome. Inclusive of students, faculty, and alumni.
Diversity and inclusion, but also as a land grant school in a time of environmental crisis, I believe a values statement about the environment is fitting.
excellent teaching and student success, wide-ranging research, and service to our students, their families, the state, and the nation
Diversity of faculty and student body; commitment to holistic (liberal arts; STEM + Humanities) education; commitment to affordable education for all; commitment to creating a well-rounded and informed citizenry.
Hard work and solid research
Being inclusive of all differences.
Discovery and curiosity Powerful relationships and trust Food security collaboration to foster synergy a global mindset Asking powerful questions meaningful service to others
I believe we should always look to the future but also hold true to our beginnings and not embrace every cultural change, as they may not be the best thing for what we believe and strive to do.
1. Honesty, openness, integrity in our dealings with others 2. Respect for all individuals — students, faculty, staff. Recognition of the needs of others regardless of rank, position or influence. Fair and adequate compensation for graduate students and staff. We must provide a safe and positive working environment to give people a chance to thrive and contribute. Equal opportunity for advancement of qualified individuals and competent management whose actions are just and ethical. 3. We must be good citizens in the communities in which we live and work. Improve the lives of those we serve, in Kansas, the nation and the world. Encourage a broad world view that will enable those we serve to succeed in the global economy. 4. Disseminate practical knowledge to stimulate innovation and economic development via non credit offerings and access to events and educational programming on campus and across the state.
We value integrity, honesty, civil-discourse, innovative thinking and action, accountability, inclusion, and transparency.
Student centered Service focused
Integrity Impact Engagement Diversity Innovation Excellence
Diversity and inclusiveness Committed to Kansas communities and populations
1. High quality undergraduate and graduate education. 2. Dedication to competitive research at both the fundamental level and at a level that provides direct benefit to the citizens of Kansas. 3. Diverse environment where there is academic freedom and where free speech is championed.
students an educated public
Service, applied science, commitment to the well-being of communities, inclusive environments, adaptive and innovative leadership
Providing a rigorous and affordable education for all citizens Provide leadership in both information generation and dissemination to citizens Uphold the academic freedom and integrity of the institution
KSU leadership needs to think seriously how we can have an impact as a small university in a small state. KSU has had a impact, but only when it focuses on research & development that serves society (not serving the KSU community). These words from the statement resonate with me and I believe reflect the KSU mission: "Through research, creative, and scholarly activities, we ... solve problems for tomorrow" "prosperous and healthy future ... home and across the globe" "stewards of the land, air and water, we.. commit to protecting the future"
Integrity, adaptive management, justice, diversity
Engaged, inclusive, meritocratic
Research needs to be in the mission.
unity in diversity service to all, service by all unlocking the Creative potential of all members of society
Access to education, outreach, community service and research.
The proposed visionary statement is pretty vague. It could be adopted by an NGO, a Think Tank, a local political party platform, etc. without changing content/wording, and no one would notice that it was originally written for a university. I think more focus should be on education in concrete rather than vague terms.   Two other specific points: 1) "premier" may be more honest advertising than "top-50", but anyone thinking about the text won't be able to offer a definition of "premier." 2) "expectations our labors" sounds like it was written for a Soviet factory or some such institution. Ditto for some of the other language. Why not something more concrete and education-focused: e.g. produce new scientific knowledge, providing students with intellectual skills, increasing diversity of all kinds--nationality, religion, gender identity, race--in order to prepare students for the world and workplaces they will live in.
I am dismayed at the narrowness of the strategic areas of focus! They are all worthy endeavors, but they exclude major strengths of our university. The Konza Prairie Research Station is one of the very few original LTER sites to continually receive NSF funding--none of these initiatives would include the tremendous world-wide importance of this presence. Community engagement and civic discourse are obvious, critical needs for the nation--indeed, the world!--at this time; none of these strategic initiatives would include that important work.   Additionally, I recommend revisiting the mission statement. While it may have been strategically worded at the time of the great economic downturn, it sounds too much as though the mission is to provide a product rather than to educate individuals. I believe this is not in keeping with our K-State Family values. I recommend: The mission of Kansas State University is to foster excellent teaching, research, and service that develop a highly skilled and educated individuals, ready to advance the well-being of Kansas, the nation, the international community, as well as themselves and their families.   I also recommend revising the visionary statement. For the second sentence: We harness the power of innovative learning, discovery and engagement to impact their communities and the world. [cut "transform talented people into true champions"--we are not a boot camp, and our students are not in competition with one another, trying for a trophy at a championship.
Continuing to connect the research conducted at the university and extending it from the university to Kansans and globally via the extension and outreach programs, the classroom, while enhancing student experiences by letting them be a part of this process.
As a Land Grant institution, and assessing the current requirements for successful placement of graduates into the work force; KSU should maintain an emphasis and focus on underlying proficiency in core STEM subjects across all disciplines, while providing a well balance base across all subject areas as traditionally achieved in liberal education.
public access to higher education (for students) as well as access to research products (for everyone!)
Outstanding teaching, internationally renowned research and publication.
Commitment to education through teaching, to development and advance of KS and the country through research, and to the community through outreach Foster and embrace diversity, inclusion and equity Respect for individual abilities and development of unique talents
democracy, citizenship, community, engagement
A central feature is the discovery, creation, and dissemination of new knowledge through research and teaching, including impotant work in those areas in the humanities and arts.
I do not know what you mean by "stewards of the land, air and water" and why this is included in the statement. It immediately seems to limit the scope to those interested in questions of natural science and conservation.
We value the integration of the arts and humanities as a pillar of all undergraduate education, to strengthen skills in critical thinking, complex civic discourse, and empathy.
community centered, caring.
Highly accessible, democratic; we are open to all types of students, faculty, and staff; diversity; we are hoping to find ways to challenge students in both the sciences, highly "applicable" majors and pursuits, as well as the humanities and cultural-social analysis.
leading research student centered education
Our research output is the central way to move forward. Enrollment at best will stay even or increase slightly, state support will not increase, so growing research and other sources of private support will become ever more important.
Commitment to student learning and development, commitment to making substantive contributions to knowledge through research, commitment to outcomes that improve the State's economy, beauty, and citizens.
We should value cutting-edge research across disciplines. We should value interdisciplinary collaborations in research to solve world issues. We should value community-engaged scholarship and research.
Inquisitiveness Significance Diversity
"Champions?" What is this? KState is not an athletics team or program. Please consider taking this word out!! It sounds cheesy and immature. And not just a little bit fake. Other words to consider: Luminaries, Pacesetters, Trailblazers, Authorities. Our mission is to bring the research of the University to the People. We also inspire those outside our boundaries to be life long learners and responsible citizens as defined by President Thomas Jefferson and others.
the proposed vision is fine, except for the sentence that says we transform people into "true champions." What the heck is that supposed to mean? Are you writing to your football fans here?
When I read the article in K-State Today on the four areas of strategic focus for KSU (global food, health and biosecurity; aviation; the cyber land-grant university; innovation in education), it seemed to be rather full of "buzz words", but it mention shockingly little about our outstanding research in natural sciences. Are we giving up on wanting to do excellent research in sciences (see also my comment further below)?
We train the specialized workforce in Engineering, all things Aggie, and Vet Med needed for the state and elsewhere. We have strength in these areas and need to built on it expanding it. Beyond that, we train scientists, artists, educators, finance and banking people. We have substantial numbers of pre-med, pre-dental students, and train in mental health care. ETC. We need to continue providing haighly trained human resources and these fields (and those I might be forgetting).
Student-centered, make student and staff wellness central in all policy and decision making.
Don't lose focus on agriculture and rural if to continue to meet land-grant mission.
service, passion for public service, diversity
We serve all Kansans, and our service extends to all of America and the World beyond.
A land grant univ. is not simply a holder and disseminator of knowledge. Outstanding RSCAD plays a critical role in this mission. We must be dedicated to research and other creative activities so that we can excel in our role as an outstanding land grant university.
Values underwrite preferences, and those are revealed in choices; the choices I would make are these. I would have us, as a university, choose to offer students a liberal education, exposing them to formal disciplines, to natural and social sciences, to humanities, and to the arts. I would have us, a premier institution producing champions, inculcate in all our students the knowledge and skills required for superior performance in and out of academia; this must necessarily include not only written and oral expression, but at least elementary instruction in good inference. I would have us, as a visionary institution that takes seriously stewardship, require explicit training in ethics, social justice, and the effects of policy on human well-being. Because the contexts in which this education will be employed will vary over time and space, and in respect of stakeholders and the values they hold, such training must consider how to reconcile the varied values of a diverse population, and how to think through novel problems with moral dimensions.
Creativity, Integrity, Innovation, Agility, Drive, focus on the student, Transformational, ahead of the curve, and be the model university
responsive to the public and the taxpayer assist students in getting a job in their field
Educate students to appreciate the arts and provide other educational activities to help them achieve short rang and long term goals.
Integrity, Excellence, Service,
K-State actively demonstrates a firm commitment to understanding and supporting human diversity. Research is important to the university, and it's pursued with the value of student learning firmly in place, for example, research derived from student inquiry and exploration is the core of K-State's research. Each school and each department embarks on projects and challenges within their respective fields, and K-State deeply encourages and values inter- departmental, cross-discipline work. K-State recognizes the significance of history and heritage, show by Landon Lectures, guest speakers, and available documentation.
The proposed visionary statement says it well "We harness the power of innovative learning, discovery and engagement to transform talented people into true champions. We prepare each generation to advance society and enrich the world for those who follow. Through research, creative, and scholarly activities, we address the questions of today and solve problems for tomorrow." Unfortunately, the budget "moderization" does not take into account anything but teaching, which is not compatible with our vision.
Unbiased and apolitical positioning on all issues; Freedom to express views in a civil manner, without fear of repercussions from university, state and/or federal administrations.
Visits Feedback and Suggestions
Agriculture and KSRE
Service communities, build trustDiversityAdaptability
Inclusive (diversity and inclusion)Accessible/affordableRelevant to community needs or demands (locally and globally)
Prepare students to be global thinkersResearch basedService
Student-centered/focusedHigh qualityDemonstrate public value (locally and globally)
“Excellence” as opposed to mediocrity, i.e., avoid mediocrityStudent-centeredForward thinking
Embracing innovation and customer focusedTransparentCritical thinking about grand challenges
Land grant tradition of accessService orientedApplied research – highlighting/promoting
We develop “talent”StrategicHelping communities facilitate change
More “problem focused” rather than elitistGrowthRelational; relationships
Strategic focused – willingness to disinvest to focus on areas of excellenceRelevance – tied to industryLand grant mission – accessibility and three mission areas
Accessible and open to allNimble/willing to quite some thingsCommunity service and engagement
Be true to our land grant heritage of food and agricultureMake a differenceDedication to the social good
Align with the values of the constituents in our stateGlobalFood security
High quality undergraduate and graduate educationInnovativeValue discovery
Accessibility – open admission policiesCollaborativeDiscovery, learning, and engagement
In-tune with (focused on) the needs of the state and its citizensEfficientPush the envelope and bring out new ideas and ideals
Knowledge and learningIntegrityChallenge the status quo
EngagementExperiential learningInquiry and discovery is not always solely focused on monetized discovery
PeopleAdvancing the state through science and educationPromote meaningful opportunities to contribute to society
Caring, empathy, and concernEngagement and service with citizens through ExtensionDiversity and inclusion
CollaborationOpportunity for affordable access to high-quality education for people of all backgrounds – open door to better livelihoods and careersCollaboration – working with others and not just what’s best for you
Accessibility – personalOpenness to and emphasis on scientific inquiry, integrity, and academic freedomKnowledge – education, extension, outreach, online
Inclusiveness – openness, freedom of speech and thoughtPreparing engaged and educated citizens prepared to cooperate and make informed decisionsService – accessibility, collaboration, engagement, opportunities, affordability, etc.
TransparencyBeing accessible to the diverse public that we serveUnderstanding – Discovery, research, inquiry, learning, experiential learning, etc.
ServiceEmbrace innovation in teaching, research, and extensionIngenuity and innovation. Our alumni and friends are ordinary people who have built thriving communities and businesses with access to the knowledge and information from this and other land-grant universities. I hope we continue to focus on experiential learning experiences that benefit both teachers and students. 
Adaptive – being nimbleDemonstrate and promote altruismRespect and support for the builders, workers, teachers and other doers who make the world a better place. Emphasize educational programs to help them succeed.
EngagementAccessible to all students and state stakeholders 
Architecture, Planning and Design
Community as a natural resource – diversity/plurality = richness; social equity and justice are paramount; interconnectivity must be enhanced and leveragedIntentionally designed teamsBroad definition of community – urban/rural
Engagement with our fellow citizens – primary experiential learning/scholarship/research; travel to broaden KSU perspectives; increasing access of citizens to KSU educational opportunities; keeping economic viability and opportunities in mind; modernizing ways we transfer info to the peopleEnvironmental stewardshipKansas and beyond and far beyond
Tactile learning – making as a part of the process and an end in and of itself; applied academic pursuitsService to the world, to communities, to studentsPreparing citizens for participation in democratic communities and process – “active participants” (original land grant)
Environmental stewardshipApplied research to enhance lives and help others learnAccess – keeping education accessible $$
Aesthetic delightTo pay back and pay forward what we’ve been afforded – good stewards of resourcesThe three pillars of teaching, service, and outreach and RSCAD – should be equally valued
Educating and collaborating with the broader communities, locally, regionally, nationally, and globallyBe a model to other universities and institutions – lead by example“Stewards of land, air, water”
Develop opportunities in transdisciplinary collaborations with students, faculty for the betterment of the communityEngagement with communities 
Arts and Sciences
Embracing and transforming our futureHire more fundraisers dedicated to student retention and affordability and to retaining hiring a diverse faculty (Athletics has seen full-time fundraisers)Teaching people how to be resilient – people, communities, etc.
Accessibility and success for all, inclusivity, diversityWe are a community of scholars who value research, scholarship, creative activity, and diversity; we also value disseminating this knowledge to Kansas and beyondSustainable education that builds itself and grows upon itself where it is and where it’s from.
Creation of new knowledge and sharing new knowledgeWe value the other part of the Morrill act “to provide a liberal and practical education to the “industrial class (or the common person)”Normalizing difference (inclusiveness)
Preparing students for global, international world – to have a global impactWe greatly value diversity, both among the education and the recipients of the educationSustainability (problematic when KOCH industries prominently displayed in some K-State advertising)
Foster evidence-based thinking, analysis, and decision making, logical thinkingWe focus on the people, on human experience, and that’s foundational to every aspect of educationResilience (individual, community, societal, global)
Foster integrity, character, empathy, civility – “recognition of the perspectives of others”Teaching students how to live; put the human experience at the center; we help humans to flourishStudent-centered learning and engagement
Humanities and arts provide core values of living and thinking and ethical decision-making for biosecurity, aviation, education innovationStudent empowermentEngagement: university and community, a university for others (beyond town and gown), community service, how to encourage engagement across disciplines, better setup for interdisciplinary programs – NRES $8500 provost (should be supported), environmental sciences degree (A&S, Ag), as opposed to BPH (no collaboration)
How do we become global citizens without an awareness of all of these: theatre, art & dance, music, communications, English, history, philosophy, modern languages, political science, anthropology, sociology, psychology, American ethnic studies, gender women and sexuality studiesA rhetorical approach to communication – ethical, diverse communicative practicesSupport for individual and relational and societal growth (how to become good members of society), regardless of major; also self care for faculty/staff – short staffing creating very high stress levels
Without awareness of language, history, meaning-making, and thinking laterally and holistically, we fail our students and the land-grant missionA liberal arts education that reflects humanities’ knowledge, that puts the human experience at the centerIntellectual understanding (cultural engagement)
The people who work and live in Kansas, serve first generation, but include beyond the borders of KansasSolving global problemsQuality comprehensive education; appropriate number of faculty who are leaders in their disciplinary specialties; facilities that safely and appropriately support faculty, students, and the discipline
Bringing stakeholder groups into the global worldAccess to education, broadly reaching out to underrepresented communities and student populations, providing financial supportResearch to meet the needs and improve the quality of life of the people of Kansas and beyond
Bringing high level of broad scholarship to join traditional land-grantSocial justiceEducational and research missions are fundamentally intertwined and investment leads to the benefit of the other
Preparing individuals for lives of adaptability, change, interaction with global worldDiversityHuman health, diversity, collaborative learning, human side – arts and humanities not as vessels for “real knowledge and production”
Offering economic development opportunity through breadth of education and quality of educationSelf-awareness and self-evaluation, self-reflective practiceDiversity, resilience, sustainable, diversity, transformative, change, development, humanities/liberal arts sciences
Offering technical and intellectual hotspots through high quality research and collaborationThe larger contexts on which larger social issues, problems, and solutions existHuman side, soft skills, leadership
Appreciating and advancing the traditional stakeholder expectations while meshing with high quality, cutting edge researchAn ability to analyze one’s own perspective and the ability to understand multiple perspectivesNot the handmaidens, but translators, vessels of “real” knowledge and its production
Access and affordability and retentionPublic outreachWe value things that are not clearly visible in these four-strategic initiatives
A diverse universityCommunication across, within, and between communities, especially (but not solely) across differenceInnovation in education is so broad
Curricular diversity, that we teach about the different ethnic/racial groupsA democracy depends on an informed citizenry; we help people more fully participate within the communities, with diverse knowledge, respect, also ethical understandingLess “poaching” more real collaboration bridge building
Student body diversity reflect the demographics of KansasCritical thinking and information literacy; we have to be the place where we teach the differences between what’s true/valid/supported by science and research and what’s notHuman Health, environment
Expand ties to community sectors, beyond Ag and 4H and use extension centers to offer and foster a greater variety of extension activities to the publicHow to access, engage and value multiple perspectives – that’s what humanities is so good at (open-mindedness) 
Faculty diversity – hire and retain faculty of color and womenCreativity and problem-solving; empowering people to make lasting change; a flexibility of mind and thinking; an ability to solve global problems with diverse thinking 
Business Administration
People-centeredInclusive and caring – accessibility, preparing students for success globallyHigh value/return for investment
Known doing more with lessExcellence – high quality and impact, contributing to knowledge through researchWe offer students transformative opportunities
InnovativeAccessibility while creating challenging learning environmentProvide foundational ethics
FamilyEstablishing a growth mindset with a nurturing environmentFostering opportunities for engagement
How do we articulate the change impact we have on students – we provide a bigger transformative experience for our students than other institutions (e.g., Yale, etc.)?Knowledge generation – the goal of industry impact and moving the understanding science forwardNeed to embrace a culture of change
Showing more commitment to employeesServe as a nurturing environment for all stakeholders, which includes outreach to corporate engagementWelcoming
Emphasis on innovationProvide diverse and cultural experiencesOpen to all
Accessibility to potential studentsEducation local population, broadening if possibleAccessible
Autonomy at the unit levelAccessibility and affordabilityInnovation, advancements in technology
Allow experimentationAccess to high quality educationRevolutionizing
Let people who have the passion and experience to express itHow do we provide access and ensure qualityConnections to communities – Kansas (rural and urban), global
Community-focused (not geographically limited) – serving the public well-being, sustainabilityInclusivityFamily, welcoming, student-centric, interconnected, inclusive
Offering access to higher education – provide support to students that lack resources through innovative education, offer transformative experience and guidanceStudent happiness and satisfactionExpanding opportunities for growth including international opportunities and being a global citizen
Internationalization from original plan – don’t want to lose it, seems relevant throughoutEmbrace technologyService
Access and serving the state; affordable for all KansansAdjust pedagogy to meet changing demands (21st century)Community
Service to the state and being relevant to our own communities, research should be relevant to our citizens; community includes both Kansas and GlobalDiversity/inclusion – expanding accessServant Leadership
Innovation and forward thinking, partnerships and collaborationService to our community (local, state, national, and global); service to different sectors as well (alumni, different constituencies, etc.)Innovation
A commitment to quality while growingA commitment to adaptation and evolution of the land-grant missionScholarship
Excellence in teaching, service, and researchCritically reflecting on the histories of our institutions in honest ways, and allowing those histories to influence our adaptations and evolution moving forwardSharing the beauty of Kansas – leads to global awareness, global recruitment, global citizenship
Reaching all studentsThe promotion and support of a variety of research efforts at all levels of the institution for the purpose of improving people’s livesTransformative
Accessibility in educationWe value relationships and value collaboration and cooperation with all stakeholders in a borderless digital worldPlace conscious (not place bound)
Affordability – also about accessibilityEd-Cats – student-centered; connecting communitiesAdaptable
Ensuring we are improving the quality of life for all KansansValue driven university in every sense of the wordAdvocacy
Collaboration with university and community stakeholdersProduct driven – meet needs of community (outcome)The College of Education expresses naturally a spirit/passion for doing what we do for other’s success – we are more concerned with them (before ourselves)
Transforming future suggests need for innovationRelevant to current need(s) – timely; in the momentProviding access – we work hard to reach out beyond our local community
Striving for excellence in researchService driven – why we do what we doPartnerships are of paramount importance; we ask, “What can we accomplish together?”
As agriculture moves more towards use of technology, need to be training future workforce to keep up with this innovation and changing needsLeadership – paving the wayBorderless thinking/philosophy – we are concerned with working internationally
Can’t be siloed, need to model behavior students need to have; requires strong ties to communityInnovation KSU has – successfulWe understand that success is linked to access, partnership, and collaborative thinking
Integrated collaboration with all stakeholdersBuilt for You – Wherever you areWe believe we lead the University in support of our students to meet them where they are and provide a growth vehicle for them to reach their future aspirations
Looking for pieces needed and then innovatively finding what we need to accommodateGet to frame futureStudent-centric focus – we are people concerned with improving the lives of Kansans and beyond
Quality educationImpact all areas in state – networking/partnershipsImpact on community and engagement with community – sharing research and innovation with community and abroad; research we do should inform and be informed by community
Community outreachBegin with Kindergarten talking about K-State (don’t wait until older)Leader in research and innovation – need to constantly broaden reach/those who are benefiting from research
Adjusts/adapts to the needs of the communityHistory of K-State with land-grantInnovation
Accessibility of educational opportunitiesAccessibilityEvaluate the impact our university’s research and education is having on stakeholders/communities
AffordabilityAccess beyond traditional means, to ensure it is personal 
Access – wide-range of opportunities for a wide-range of learners that are open for anyone; make early courses affordableExpanding computing education to diverse population inside and outside K-State, including non-traditional studentsDo more with less attitude – efficient use of resources with students as a top priority
Challenge and support – provide clear and high expectations but then also provide the support to achieve regardless of background; we are not a sink-or-swim school – create introspective learner that understand themselves and adaptStudent-centered is important, but we should look at helping faculty and staff realize their potential; help State of Kansas be successful, etc.Creativity and innovation
Outreach – communicating the value of the university both teaching and research; knowledge is transferred to the community through human capital, technology, social services, and arts; mission focused outreach – we serve the state of KansasAren’t we already a premiere, student-centered university? How do you define student-centered? How do you measure?Competitive/large value in our students’ education
Discovery – we should be on the leading edge on creating new tools and technology; Kansas State should embrace the cyber land-grant idea to enable discovery for everyone (in Kansas and the world) regardless of status or locationImprovement of societyAvailable to all or large group of people (access)
The visionary goal should be to advance our standing as a premiere student-centered (we already are); we should also be people-centered, not just student-centeredImpact on the worldValuing the students and the faculty
Access – constraints being put on rural school districts/graduates/studentsImportant that we are accessibleShow the value of scholars teaching students
Ensuring economic prosperity – education of and training of students to respond to market needsValue all people and prioritize quality of lifeAffordability
Innovation – to transform the futureWelcoming and “family” atmosphereAccessibility – welcoming to all students of different educational backgrounds
Student-centeredAccessibility – to students and sharing of our expertise and knowledge setConnection to community
Nurturing skills for student advisingMidwest work ethic (in students, faculty, and staff)Commitment to providing quality education through exceptional teaching
Innovation in educationNurture development for all that enter – students, faculty, and staffUndergraduate access to research lab opportunities – we are a Research 1 university, this needs to be emphasized more in recruitment materials
Creating opportunities for students (not just teaching)Meet the needs of Kansas – all components (knowledge/research/extension/communication the information effectively)We need to do a better job telling students what are the next steps in research
Technology transfer, both in education and research  
Graduate School/Office of Vice President for Research
Food Systems – systematic capabilities in advancement of acceptable, healthful, and sustainable food productionGood stewardship of environment, financial resourcesProviding equitable access to education and research
Provision of accessible, affordable, quality education – for everyone; service – an understanding of how to apply, applied practicalityWork ethicMaintaining a growth-oriented mindset, ensuring we serve future needs via our research and education
DiversityMerit basedEnsure a holistic approach, developing the whole person/community/student/family
InclusivenessResearch, teaching, service, outreach, extensionUse basic and applied research to communicate our discoveries and their applications
Funds for better facilities/buildings – update (example: entomology facilities)Workforce developmentMaintaining an interdisciplinary mindset
Buildings more appealingFood production and sustainability securityPromoting strong work ethic and hirability of graduates
Service to the communityEthicsInteraction with the public: Research and Extension; Communication is the value
Promoting future/other companies/businessAnticipating future demands by valuing creative and innovative approaches to meet those needsResearch and Extension: Community we serve; sense of community
Increasing access to diverse populations: underserved, nontraditionalInclusion and DiversityEducation: Education leaders in “nexus”
Affordability: making scholarships available to more students (especially as tuition/fees increase)Trust and AccountabilityEducation: Transforming education; sense of community is a value
Engagement: with citizens across the state; ensure our students use their education to lead local, national, and international efforts to make the world a better placeTransparencyJobs relating to community need - skills for the community
Return on Investment for students and taxpayersTeamwork and DeterminationAccess to educate (traditional higher education, non-traditional)
A commitment to quality programs and responsive to both a rapidly changing world and the aspirations of an increasingly diverse societyPassionService, talent, diverse, accessibility, passionate, respectful
A spirit of innovation in connection with economic prosperity and security to build upon the foundations for innovation at K-State; review IEP designation submissionProviding affordable high quality education for the students of Kansas, scholarshipsSharing and disseminating information
Education students to innovate in order to build Kansas prosperity; continue on in a 21st century here in Kansas and globallyEducating non-K-State students/others throughout the state on education and research outcomes developed here, deliver to the massesRelying more on technology
Community Service – Partnering with industry/technology/agHelping to reinforce the value of importance of Higher EdMore inclusive – population, diversity
Excellence in teaching and research – high standardsHelping to deliver economic opportunities to grow the state economy through educating business leaders and developing new technologies that meet global needsExpand programs – not just four year programs, certificates; more options, quicker, needs of industry
Ethical/honestyCommitment to quality educationResearch – DOD, military
Health and Human Sciences
Accessibility – people can pursue their education without breaking the bankGoing beyond the awarding of degreesPursue meaningful research that impacts lives
Research – directly impacts Kansans and beyondThe human resource potential for the graduatesBenefit people/communities through high quality, impactful clinical practice and service
Innovation and responding to changing environments and needsAccountability to resources from the communityRecruit and retain high quality professionals (faculty, staff)
Consideration of past and future of our stateDo professional development properly – “one stop shop”Value community
Engagement and outreachInnovation of new ideas, programs, contemporary practices and knowledgeValue diversity, inclusion, plurality
Empathy – appreciating and valuing others’ experiencesEvaluation of trends in higher education – keeping a pulse on the evolution of higher ed practicesValue student success
Innovation – be forward-thinking and open to new ideas (adaptability)Focusing on blending research and education – providing continuing education and professional development for improving faculty capacity for delivery information; IT; teachingCommunity of scholars – deliberative
Inclusive – accessibleAspirational values: empowering all people through educationAccessibility for all
Emphasis on the greater good (of students, communities, etc.)Actual values: Staying relevant to the needs of society through innovation and a focus on quality; discovery and dissemination to improve the lives of people/communitiesApplied and practical approach
SustainabilityDiversity and inclusionHolistic education: creating citizens to better humanity/community
CollaborativeEngagement and outreach – science communicationValue all students and are willing to work with them to achieve their goals and be relevant to addressing the needs of our state
Forward-thinkingResearch-focusedCommunity and connection on campus and across the state; connecting knowledge to application in real world settings
InnovateAbility to solve society’s complex problemsInnovation – and our own college has been doing this since 1873
WelcomingProvide every individual with the opportunity to get an educationInnovation and dissemination
Community focusUnwavering commitment to accessibility, but not the low-cost option – excellent ROIResearch into practice and practice into research; quality, evidence based, desire to lead
OpennessCommitment to a culture of creating innovative programming to meet students’ interests and demandsGenerosity with time, talent, and “treasure”
InclusiveProvide academic offerings in a financially sustainable modelUndergraduate education
AccessEducation and outreach across the lifespanTransformational undergraduate students
ConnectionHealth and well-being of our studentsValue the success of our students and the goals they have set for themselves – value all students willing to work
CommittedKnowledge, info accessible for allTranslate the science to make it applicable to the public and advancing society
BelongingBenefit people of the state in meaningful waysCommitted to preparing citizens for productive careers and contributing to societal well-being
Education for allRespond to the needs of communities we serve (e.g., rural areas)With the three-fold mission (research, teaching, engagement), we must be committed to addressing the urgent challenge of climate change, researching/developing mitigation plans and helping our students and communities prepare for transformation toward more sustainable systems
Growth/perseverancePrepare students to meet unique demands of today and tomorrowSpirit of land stewardship
InspiringConduct basic and applied research/discovery/science for the demand of peopleQuality, access and affordability of education
Accountability to the efforts of the university  
K-State Global Campus
How to balance innovation with tradition? Employees able to voice concerns – are you bringing enough people in for transparency?Partnering with adults and students for lifelong learningAccess and availability (affordability)
Need to make sure someone from Alumni Association is on Innovation initiative to help identity developing alumni relationshipsAccuracyQuality learner experience
Alumni – “Welcome back to K-State”; remind them what additional opportunities there are still available for them here.Timeliness – key in moving forwardLifelong learning and connections “family”
Teaching our communities – engaging them, bringing them the resources they need, adaptability so we can shift quickly to their needs (agility, speed, relevancy)We exist to serve the citizens of Kansas State UniversityInnovative
Relationships – person to person, engagementDirectly tied to extension – our land grant missionEntrepreneurial
Need to rethink these relationships so that we can become the premier provider of lifelong learningFarming is still the backbone of Kansas – respect the farm communityWilling to change/grow/improve
Offer more than a call to donateUniversity addressing the issues facing Kansas State UniversityTransparency
We need to make ourselves small to grow biggerMental health campaign for rural Kansas – healthy food campaignGood stewards of constituents’ money and delivering products/services to meet their needs
Personal interactions, reach outStill issues in Internet connectivity in rural areasAccess – affordable education to our citizens (pricing allowing access)
Individualized video of acceptance to the programAffordabilityForward-thinking: anticipating what the future learners will need/want (and needs of Kansas and what can K-State push out globally)
Customized view book, take it to the next levelFamilyStudent-centered: meeting needs of all learners and abilities
Value and utilize our network – have them become advocates and mentorship programsCommunityAgility and efficiencies – being good stewards of resources; responsive to needs of citizens, by collaborating to identify needs of citizens (in our offerings)
Who are we really serving? What are the “personas” of our students?AccessibilityDynamic – not stagnant
Recognize our traditions and history while planning for the futureResearch – aspire to provide this benefit to online grad studentsFocus on innovation and technology and all practices – we need to be on the cutting edge, not trailing, as a forward-thinking institutions
Communicating and inclusion of all individuals as part of the K-State community – nontraditional, non-credit as well as traditionalMarket/demand driven education, e.g., build your own degreeHardworking – as employee-working for a University with these standards
Outreach to the state and beyond (national and international)Access – remain accessible to those not at campusIntegrity – university with these standards
Taking expertise from our core areas and reaching the worldHistory/tradition – past achievements, qualityHonesty – honesty
Invest in staff and faculty to transform the futureForward looking – new initiatives, lead change accepting, open, advancingTransparency – open communication
Teach – provide education that provides critical thinking, leadership for a changing workforceInclusive – open and encouraging varied viewpoints, welcoming environmentPassion for excellence – opportunity to engage/participate
Accessibility for allIntegrity/qualityHigh quality – collegial, communications
Embracing innovation and supporting entrepreneurshipValue – cost-conscious, high quality, meaningful credentialsResults make a difference – appreciation of rural and diverse population
Meeting the needs of faculty, staff, students to understand the changing landscape and generational expectations – what do students of today want and how we serve themLearner – centeredUniversity student focus (services) – recognizing employees
Open-minded and accept new ideasLearner-centeredStewards with our resources – data influenced decisions
Take risks, it’s okay to fail and learn from itInclusive/diversityInnovative – focus on our mission (instead of being someone we are not)
K-State Libraries
Foundational values: honor, integrity, respect, dependability, empathy, resilience, work ethic; they provide foundation for: diversity and inclusivity – access for all; transparency; Kansas State University pride and optimistic, positive attitude, behaviors; resilience in the face of challenges; students come first (why we are here); empowering future citizens (civic discourse, democratic values); research focus on real, societal problems; community engagement across a full range of disciplines (arts, humanities, sciences); provide opportunities for students and community to learn from and engage with leaders in whatever field/disciplineWelcomeProducing graduates who contribute to society
Teaching, research, and serviceAspire to inclusion – inclusiveness is different from “family”Openness
Increase focus on more practical education, going back to the “Land Grant" purposeDedication to people of the state so we can have a worldwide impact – global food supply, sustain the worldCommitment to excellence (national recognition)
Become more accessible to students in gaining that practical educationReinvesting – into our communitiesEngagement with global community – producing global citizens
Identify communities that have been underrepresented and encourage greater participation; requires different funding modelKnowledge creation and disseminationApplied transformation – practical job teaching without excluding classical teaching
Addressing tuition rates as a barrier for student retention/recruitmentCreating and nurturing 21st century citizensEquality – a step up – welcoming people – not shut doors
Be able to support and grow the economy of the stateCreate informed citizenryWelcoming
Access to higher educationLower the cost of educationExtension – outreach – rural offices – different in each county
Service learningServe all citizens of KansasAffordability
Use extension to leverage technology for rural areas – make it available and show the valueService, giving backIf don’t meet qualifications we bring you in anyway and get you to the point of meeting the qualifications
Diversity and difference of opinion, acceptanceEmbracing/encouraging diversityAgile in order to be innovative
Tackle challenges – hard-working, problem solving innovativeInnovationLiberal education
Student successInclusivenessEducation doesn’t stop at graduation; instill a recognition that critical thinking and methods learned at K-State will be integrated in their communities and workplaces
Innovation, experimentationApply research to benefit citizensA value is learning, not knowing; leaning should be a life-long pursuit
Access – to education, affordable, to information, we accept marginalized people, military, people of color, women, lifelong learningMaking education accessible (physically, financially, online, etc.)K-State is part of and reflective of the Kansas communities (our diversity should better reflect that of our changing population)
K-State Olathe
Regional economic development – accessibility to all to deliver graduates that contribute to workforceAbility to serve across geographies and demographics – extensionFamily friendly, student-centered (connection with people!)
Empower our students with ability and desire to contribute to sustainable global health – locally, globallyValue partnerships with alternative education systemsFuture: traditionally land grant – strong rural; food, families; bring Ag to urban/suburban areas to serve business and others; use technology to continue connection with rural areas; assist with rural economic development
Deeper/broader reach across the state to educate and develop future workforce – pathways and support to reach allAccess to Kansas students, but need to expand access to Missouri and other neighboring statesLook into one’s past to move forward
Contribute to innovative solutions to current and future issuesInterdisciplinary education and researchProvide accessibility: affordable for students, high quality; strong translational ability
Innovative approach to providing “reachable” tuition to serve all desiring education – expanding reach across diversity and inclusionPractical skills – wisdom, judgment, and being connected to the communitySupport research: applicable to stakeholders in Kansas; supports the development of new researchers/students
Student success – innovative processes and experiences to deliverResearch – high quality, appliedCatalyze economic development; support entrepreneurship; provide adaptable and adoptable opportunities for citizens
What does the state and beyond need – match vocational training with degree programsEducating the populationSupport dissemination: proactive and responsive to the needs of young and emerging communities
Value of student-centered – K-State Olathe is more student-centered; Manhattan has grad students teaching courses they are ill-equipped to teachMeeting student needsRealistic, practical, real-world
Accessibility: financial, course offering, equity across delivery methods, courses packaged correctly, access for students with disabilities, opportunity for people to better their situations, diversity of thoughts, and have a broader reachService – in-service to the stateA university that is connected with the community, reflects the community, and works on the community challenges
Opportunity to do research, travel, further educationPreparing students and future generations tooAbility to capitalize on the strengths of our communities
Focus for Olathe – mission-oriented: strategic initiatives, direction from Manhattan, develop programs in Manhattan with the intent to expand to the KC regionAdaptive and responsive to meet future needs – living, breathing, and nimble to be reactive to needsHard-working
Access to education, expanding our access (broader reach)Meeting needs of all students: access and support; place-bound, first gen – not just students wanting to go to MHK; disabilities; need to change when (schedule) and how we educate to meet students’ needs (access)Inclusive
Outward response to greater good – improve future using nimble response to needs and follow through to end (push-pull, realistic approach)Need to have a welcoming environment for all studentsCommunity-driven research
Cyber-education will provide access to education (including adults)Serve entire state as land grant 
Safe, stakeholder space – ability to speak and serve across all economic, diversity, political, etc., to make progressConnecting with people versus politicizing (versus KU) – be flexible to reach people 
K-State Polytechnic
Customer focusRelevantCommunity engagement
Enhancing community and community membersStudent-focusedRural support
AdaptabilityTrust with publicEducation of all people
AccountableEthicSupporting local government in its mission to provide for the common good
Produce quality industry leadersHope TransparencyIntegrity, honesty, responsibility, hope, professionalism – in research conducted and education provided
InfluencersInnovationAn altruistic mission
Courageous/willing to failOutreachFiscally responsible with our stakeholder’s funds – allows for additional support of community both educationally and in regards to available resources
Trust/lead with integrityMaking life better for stakeholdersInnovation – in regards to research, furthering general knowledge, continuing education
Provide educational opportunities for all audiencesDeveloping and improving technologically important ideasHolistic education for all ages (life cycle)
Feedback/continuous improvementDissemination to communitiesStudent-focused; people, not bottom-line/$
Integrity – academic and professionalInnovation (improving the “state of the art”)Creating trust with the public (our reputation)
Academic excellenceAdvanced service outreachVisible and involved in community
Service to university and communityEconomic (creating opportunity) – job creation, innovationStewards of ethical behavior
Meaningful scholarshipPublic service – students, Kansans, Americans, humansProviding relevant education: Staying up with industry standards and technologies
Credibility and global reputation for excellenceInnovation and outreach – sharing knowledge and technology in a practical wayAccess to education
AccessibilityMaking life better for the various stakeholdersCore values – responsibility, professionalism, hope, integrity, respect
Off-campus outreach – community focus (need to do a better job of this)Teamwork, compassion, professionalism, connectivity, servanthood, integrity, ethicsAccess to resources
TransformingService to region and beyondInnovative
InclusiveAccess to communities – extension; and access to students – ruralApplication of experience
StewardshipInstitution of integrityOne-on-one approach – not a number, family approach
Access to educationTrust and honestyStudent connections
VisionaryTransparencyAdapting to industry needs
PartnershipsStudent focusRisk taking
Fiscal responsibilityEthicalWillingness to adapt
Whole educationHope – access to a better future, possibilitiesPartnerships/resourceful
President, CFO, COO, CIO, DCM, HCS and General Counsel
Service the citizens of Kansas and beyondAccessGood stewards of resources
Kids today see things in a more virtual world through technologyStudent centeredPromoting efficiencies
Recognize the opportunities that are coming down the roadQuality educationPromote family culture
Bridging practicality with realityCommunityCommitment to innovation
“Global citizens”The ability to hold true to values but innovate at the same timeExcellence in areas of agriculture, veterinary medicine, etc.
Focus on student successEqual opportunity to work, learn, and contributeSell our uniqueness
Extend learning opportunities in bold, new ways – Kansas and beyond; innovation is key, enhance dialogueResponsiblePeople first
Honesty and integrityInclusivenessCommitment to research; premiere research
Inclusivity – awareness of generational differences in programming and means by which providedMid-western ethos – hardworking, gritStudent centered
Family feeling, genuine care for experienceWe expect good things to happenDiversity and inclusion
IntegrityExpectation to make things better for the worldOutreach/global engagement
Identity: What separates us from others in land grant? What sets us apart? How do we compete?Good to greatValued workforce
Partnerships, expanding and improvingLegacy, not just as land grant, but to accept people regardless of race, creed, genderResponsible stewardship of resources
Service – customer service, internal and external, student-centeredCaring, family valuesEquity
Inviting culture at K-State, interactive, inclusive culture ensure it is happening in all parts of campusNot afraid of challengeRecognized for excellence in teaching, research, and service in fulfillment of our land-grant mission
Spirit of cooperationPride, tradition, historyAccessible: pricing, non-traditional students, be able to include more people, return on investment (education of), avenues for students to explore different career paths without breaking the bank
Student-centeredProviding the same experience for a 1st-gen student as a 5th-gen studentSuccessful graduates – define “successful”: is this something we talk with alumni, graduates, employees, etc. about; life lessons – financial stability, overall well-being
Everyone has an opportunity – inclusiveRelationshipsService to the community
Persistent, innovative, persevere – even with lack of resourcesBeing engagedAccess to Kansans
KSU willing to share knowledge outExpectancy – safe -healthyRural students
Student focusA feeling of trust in us as an institutionPut people first
Access focus – student, communityInteraction between aviation and agriculturePeople and engagement
Educate the populaceInclusionMake education accessible
Embrace chanceQuality education – access: first generation, affordability, outreach about valueMake research publically available
Forward thinkingForward-focusedEmbracing the technology to accomplish our values
Adaptability and agilityCreativityResearch and findings/outreach back to community
Value research/teaching and learningAbility to embrace and sustain internal chanceStrong in Ag and looking to the future; traditional strengths but also looking at the future (such as health)
Best work experience/best place to work; development of staffCaringAccessible – open to everyone, less restrictive policies
Diversity inclusionBelongingMaintain focus on teaching so young people are prepared for teaching and research – experiential learning
The principles of community – to include commitment to diversity and inclusionIntegrityCommitment for innovation/creative – where can the university flex to meet needs of students/communities
The peopleAccess to education statewide: affordability, extension service across the state, inclusion for allInclusiveness: open opportunity for all
The commitment to service, support, and research to continue advancing safe, healthy, and innovative agricultural and scientific practiceFamily culture – assuming positive intentOutreach: to serve outside of campuses through extension, etc.
Emphasis on innovationAgriculture focusTradition: maintaining and expanding upon our traditional values
Family and diversityTie all aspects of the university together – interrelationshipsTransformation: being proactive in transforming our efforts to meet the needs of technology in the future and how our constituents use it
Rich history as land grant universityDeliver well-rounded education: continuous improvement, learning form failureEnsuring clearer paths to student success by streamlining processes (i.e., enrollment, changing majors, drop/add, etc.); provide more online options for on campus students
Meet the expectation for public benefitIntegrity, transparency, equityMaintain and enhance student centered focus into all campus decisions
AccessibilityCommitment to serviceAccessibility (physical, learning disabilities, international/language)
Provost and Student Life
Accessibility and affordable educationCentralized resourcesGreat external/donor support, engage alumni, communicate student needs, K-State family
Practical and pragmaticQuality vs. cost – how they tie to placement rates for graduatesProvide great student experience, more than just the academic; it’s everyone’s job to help with student success
Service is key in thisCombine resources on campus to take advantage of economy of scale and ease of access for studentsAccess: affordable; all kinds of students (commitment to diverse university community, ability, backgrounds, cultures); welcoming campus; helping students succeed (graduate)/student experience
Community – both here in Manhattan, in Kansas and beyond – part of this includes better advocating for and working with extension offices, etc. (other campus)Develop training for faculty and staff on who we are, why we make choices to communitiesApplied research: helps solve problems for Kansas/world; relevant to the needs of KS/world begins in our communities
InnovationServiceExcellence in teaching: preparing students for the world; meeting industry needs for critical thinkers and culturally competent workers
Breaking down silos – a collaborative approach with the State of Kansas, grassroots approachExpertise/knowledgeInnovation: leading and cutting edge; commitment to being experimental; recognized as leading land grants as the first land grant; thought leaders; lead the discussion to solve problems
Inclusion, diversity: includes international and out-of-state students along with other students; redefining the “K-State Community” – it needs to be more broad, and as open and encompassing as we canEx: 4-H youth development, assist ag; credit for community service – expectation for all students?Community engagement: within our campus and external communities; reciprocal
Engagement – better harness resources in a goal-oriented approach; not a top-down processImprove outreach (suffering due to budgets)Honor the Legacy/Heritage while adapting
Agriculture Heritage, honoring 1st land-grant title and modernizingStudent programming K-12Model Civil Discourse: lead the world in showing how to tackle difficult problems with respect and inclusive dialog
Access for students: admission standards, financial/affordability, different backgroundsAccess – barrier courses (need to be assessed), experiential learningStudent-centered vision
Fulfilling the diverse needs of our changing state populationEmphasize student life cycle: Start (enroll), Stay (return), Finish (graduate), Soar (career)Strategic communication from administration, departments, frontline employees
Creating a sense of belonging – that is the part of the K-State way; not just include them, but truly welcome themFinancial needExcited that student-centeredness is included in our vision statement
Understanding the whole person as a student and creating a community atmosphere on campus; a functioning student in our community can transition to a functioning, contributing member of other communities, good university citizen becomes a good global citizenImprove one-stop for student servicesWould like to see process for determining/assessing if an initiative is student-centered prior to deploying that initiative; follow up with standard assessment of student-centeredness after deployment
Investment in staff resources – a happy staff makes a happy environment which is a welcoming atmosphere for students; the increase of duties has impacts on ability to perform, professional developmentWellbeing – students and faculty/staff (K-State community)Engaging students in determining barriers to success (similar to the positive work that was done with student holds)
Investment in faculty – ensures recruiting and community needs metEngaging in innovation – redefine/change old ways; attracting faculty/staff with diverse talents that may lead to higher enrollmentRe-embrace the attitude of each person at the university to help a student – go find an answer instead of passing student off to someone else
Civic engagementFlexibility/adaptabilityRe-engage faculty and staff (feeling burned-out, under-valued, continually asked to do more with less)
Educational access/accessibilityStriving for excellenceHow can we be at peak efficiency for every service? For example – could some students sent to counseling services be better served by an academic coach to develop a study plan to decrease anxiety or PFC to relieve financial stress?
Service to the state – extension and outreachAccessibility to properly serve community: affordability, structure, non-traditional students, working towards certificate while working full-timeWillingness to collaborate for the good of the student
InclusiveAccessWe need to know what we are already doing and focus on doing those really well, rather than continuing to add and potentially duplicate efforts (and confuse students)
Flexible, adaptability, embracing change – not one size fits all, personalizedStudent-centeredAccess, accessible
Transformational educational experienceFinancial value for students (affordable without a lot of financial burden)Meeting needs of the state
Offering a valuable educational experience – educating active and civically engaged citizens, educating the whole personEconomic prosperity for community (affordability/accessibility)Critical thinkers – creating
CreativityTransparencyPreparing people to be adaptive and flexible
Research that serves our land-grant missionConnection to culture and communityWorkforce
Access, underrepresented populations – public serving? How do we maintain public service with declining public/state support; how can we maintain this commitment?Modern education, quality of education to meet the needs of futureCross cultural – ability to work with diverse populations
Support student health; focus mental healthSolutions to help navigate through academic process, enrollment, level of educationCompetent decision makers
Civic professionalism – we are not just training disciplinarians but students that have a civic focus; committed to using university education to advance common goodOpportunities to strive throughout college careerRelevant to local communities, state, etc.
Be in the front of big public issues; these big civic and public issues ought be central to our education and researchAccessible information to recruit/retain studentsPractical education and skill development
Flexible pathways to learning, credit for prior learning; this new pathway for access; Netflix model of training and education – can “binge” modules or take time and make progress at own paceUnfortunately, we value complexity – teaching at a level where there is overlap with education taught in high school; lack of connection/understanding US cultures, language, communityFailing to provide affordable education to Kansas
Reframe research around “common good” issues – create incentives to do relevant research; problem-based, community-based, and communicated in ways the public understandsValue of serviceAre we on top and innovative in technology and research? In all colleges?
International students – represent opportunity; how to attract more international studentsCommunity engagement – accessible to a wide population, community driven prioritiesInclude and involve global research
We may have shared values but we play them out in disparate ways; we have to align values and practice across our unitsMaking equity/social justice a priority when looking at strategic initiativesFuture of higher education is not bricks and mortar campuses; evolve and develop in global campus
Access – created for access to more studentsInnovation/knowledge is applied to pragmatic/problems and grand challengesAccessibility to diverse populations
All aspects of the state/communitiesInterdisciplinary/transdisciplinaryInclusivity
Getting the knowledge back to the Kansas Citizens – through extension agentsIntercultural pedagogyInternationalization, creating global citizens
What distinguishes K-State from the regional schools – giving voice to the communities?LeadershipUpholding passion, buy in, providing support
Do we solicit information from our county agents?Community (within the institution and beyond)Involvement – whole student development
High quality education in applied sciences and basic sciences and humanities and social sciencesInclusion, access (the thought that inclusion requiring more efficient ways for students to access); providing more opportunitiesStudent services
Liberal education producing well-rounded studentsReally promote what’s unique about KSU, that students know us for actually wanting students to be successful; REALLY promoting “FAMILY”Quality academics and holistic – all covering degrees
Providing safe environment for faculty/staff and student – physically, mentally, intellectuallyPaying attention to the students who are outliers while not ignoring the broad baseLooking for new ways to our jobs that are more efficient and effective – innovative thinking
Focus on diversity and inclusionProviding access to innovative scholarshipAssisting people (customer service/excellence)
Physical environment – pride in our facilities, part of the natural resourcesReally providing chances for all voices to be heardLeader in the industry (education)
Maintaining the K-State family philosophy as we care for students/faculty and staffNot forgetting the importance of student leadershipBe the leader
Quality of place/life – welcoming environmentSupport faculty’s desire to contribute to scholarly mission while also not burdening them with things that make it harder for them to teachThinking outside the box
Personal connection, authenticity, truly listening to students and acting on their requests/needsGiving grad students a better platform to contributeAcademic integrity
Continuing to provide high quality degree programsAccess for everyone; innovation; adaptability, especially to changing needs.Affordable education
Highly developed relationships with corporate partnersAffordability; inclusive and welcoming; understanding; appreciationBeing transparent/ethical
Remarkable degrees – we produce well-developed, critically thinking students; teacher wants to connect with studentsCommunication/engaging early with studentsClarity in policy
Cost and affordability – to remain accessible to allTransparency, ethical decision makingAppreciation of faculty and staff
Veterinary Medicine
Community engagement, partnership services; community-centered and community-alignedAddress local needs for regional and national importanceAffordability
Access to education, affordable educationMeet the needs: Develop skill sets of students to meet the needs of the world; critical thinking; how to transform our future; global footprint; increase globally relevantBroad offerings
Relevant, current, contemporary education; practical and holistic education for today’s workforce needs and the workforce needs of the futureDiversity: Knowledge and education and service for the world transformative communicationNationally recognized
Positive and memorable experiences; K-State today lacks student-centered emphasisPublic Relevance: Research with impact on society; Educational programs that attract students; graduate capability, agility, training for lifeLeading research
Match academic funding to athletic funding; create world-class facilities for all studentsBalance relevance: Local, national, global needsExtension, Service Enterprise: VHC, VDL
Student well-being and student-centered priorities; how does everything at K-State link to wellnessBlur boundaries of research, service and teaching; relevance assures this is true, validates the workEmbrace technology
Getting information to region, nation, international educationImproved engagement communication with public and our own studentsBeing good neighbors with local, state, regional, national, global; community partners
Communication, information, education, serviceTraditional values still applyExtension – connecting with the public: Reaching out to all Kansans, solving their problems; Flexibility, resources for companies to work on solving problems – having readiness; resources
Communication through outreachTransparency, integrity, inclusion, diversityInnovation – tackling difficult problems: How are we marrying NBAF and KSU? Are we? Should we?
Excellent service, transmission of knowledgeAccess to educationExtension (5 Grand Challenges): In terms of improving our land-grant university, improve the way information is communicated; if you look at how we communicate information, it is very antiquated, using pamphlets and handouts from 1980. Extension needs to move to be more “cyber land grant” – it starts with the public outreach
Transformative communication: Addressing needs of the world/community; more students to the next level; change agent