Phase 3: Comments on Proposed Themes & Common Elements
This report compiles the online comments received during December 2010 about the proposed major themes and common elements. These proposed themes and common elements emerged from focus group discussions and online comments during Phase 2. View the final Major Themes & Common Elements.
Feedback on Proposed Major Themes
Yes, I concur with the proposed themes:
No, I have some suggestions:
Conversely, "Facilities and Infrastructure," while crucially important, seems more appropriate as a common element than a theme.
I suggest that at this point the 2025 plan be more focussed, and selective in identifying themes and common elements. Fewer of each would seem to lead to a more managible and achieveable end state. Further it seems that in many instances the themes are not mutually exclusive. They overlap in many does one separate out the role of scholarship, research and creative activities from faculty matters and the undergraduate educational and gradute student research experiences? I would also suggest that athletics are at best a nice to have function at K-State from which we all benefit in some way or the other. However, I would also argue that we could be a Top 50 university with or without any type of athletic program. I would omit this element from this list of and look to other ways to achieve athletic prominance by 2025.
The common elements seem to consist of a rather odd mix of ideas. For example, a unification of our brand has very little to do with achieving emminance as a Top 50 insititution. It merely is a way to inform others of what we do...good, bad or indifferent. The image alignment languae in the common element culture also seems to be out of place.
My overall sense at this point is there is no news here. We are generally repeating the past here. These are safe, no risk tehems and common elements, predictable in all ways. I would argue that we should be far more aggressive about shaping our future. Identify selected areas in which K-State can be a leading institution. Sustainability/environmental responsibility certainly is one, as is internationalization and scholarship.
To that end, Research should be its own theme coupled with Economic Development. Why? Look at the current top 50 Universities and you will see a common thread, a vigorous Corporate Relations/Eco Devo/Private Research (call it what you like) department that partners with Private Industry to discover, develop and bring to market innovation. Yes we have NISTAC. Yes we have this happening on a departmental level through out the University. However, when the Alumni or Foundation folks visit a company and they had no idea that a department head or Dean had just been there we as a University have a huge problem.
I think we need a department, lead by a professional Economic Developer not a PhD, to bring all this activity under one roof and bring a unified front to the private sector that we mean business. Why no PhD? According to Forbes, the average GPA of Fortune 500 CEOs was 2.6. CEOs want to deal with doers, not thinkers.
I love this University. I've made life decisions to be hear in Manhattan and close to the school. I would be very interested to be in any of the small groups or to help in anyway I can. My son will be a Freshman at KSU in 2024, so let's get moving!
Thanks for your time!
If that is the main input from the faculty, the overall plan is fatally flawed.
2007 Total Research
2007 Federal Research
2008 Endowment Assets
2008 Annual Giving
2008 National Academy Members
2008 Faculty Awards
2008 Doctorates Granted
2007 Post Docs
2007 SAT Range (V; Q)or ACT Range
Funding may be difficult to find so pushing for National Academy Members and Faculty Awards maybe more achievable.
Proposed Major Themes
Small groups will be convened focused on each thematic area to recommend goals and objectives to meet the Top 50 goal by 2025.
- Scholarship, Research, Creative Activities
- Undergraduate Educational Experience
- Graduate Scholarly Experience
- Faculty & Staff
- Facilities & Infrastructure
- Engagement & Extension
- Athletics
Common elements
The following elements support the themes and should be integrated into each small group's planning. Other common elements deemed necessary by each group should be integrated as well.
Build an inclusive campus climate that will foster mutual understanding among diverse groups.
Strengthen communication and coordination among K-State's international programs and constituents in order to achieve goals for the university's further internationalization.
Pursue environmental, social, and economic sustainability in every major area of the university.
Communication & Marketing
Unify the brand voice and continue K-State on the path to an improved national, and international, reputation.
Service & Outreach
Contribute to the operation of the university as well as apply knowledge and expertise to a non-academic audience in an effort to support the mission of K-State as a land grant institution.
External Constituents
Consider the needs of alumni, donors, and partners of K-State.
Examine the values and beliefs necessary to support Vision 2025 and promote the culture such that K-State's external image is positively aligned.
I'm really not that impressed with how K-State tries to cut down on waste. We could do much better.
2) The entire scope of the university website needs to be more professional and "collegiate" looking. Look no further than our in-state Big 12 neighbor for an improvement.
3) K-State is a 3 campus system and it should be promoted as such.
4) K-State's global education and international opportunities need to be aggressively expanded, enhanced, and promoted. It is time to stop paying lip-service to this and work together to make it happen soon. It is the future.
5) What will it take to forever put to death the image of K-State being a "cow college"?
6) Never again can we allow ourselves to be pushed to the brink of conference chopping block. It REALLY is do or die. We must work together as an institution to continally be moving forward at all times.
7) K-State and the people associated with K-State should never be happy with mediocrity.